Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wrapping up Summer

This post is a month or more overdue, but here are a few more details and pictures from our Summer.

We have been talking about going camping sometime. Jason and I did a little camping before kids, but we haven't braved it with the kids. Jason thought a good place to start would be our house - inside. :-) So we set up our tent in the playroom and got everyone in. The girls seemed to really enjoy it - however Rachel did not like her assigned spot at the end of the tent. She ended up in between Jason and me. And let me tell you - that little girl moves around a lot in her sleep. It seemed like she was constantly kicking me, rolling right up next to me, or draping her arm across me. It was very restless sleep for me. About 5AM I went upstairs to use the restroom and then just crawled in my own bed. :-)My conclusion is that we need a bigger tent - maybe one that has two rooms??? Then we're also contemplating a pop-up camper. We'll see. The girls seemed to really enjoy it. I think they would like camping a lot.

Emma attended Extended School Year during the Summer. It's 1/2 days of school, 4 days a week, 6 weeks of the Summer. It's a good opportunity for her to stay in the school groove and work on things. But it also means scheduling everything else around the weeks she's in school.

One of the weeks she did not have school, she went to Grammy Camp! My mom and dad take each of their grand kids (beginning the Summer before Kindergarten) for several days during the Summer and have time with them by themselves. Grammy plans all sorts of activities, outings, and just a really fun time. (Heidi is already looking forward to going to Grammy Camp next Summer.) Here are some pictures of Emma's Grammy Camp:

Playing in the creek.Sifting for gem stones.And doing things mom just won't let you do at home (play in mud).Emma had a great time. On her last day, Heidi, Rachel and I met them at the Chestatee Wildlife Park. It's a good little zoo and was a nice way to end her Grammy Camp.

Me and my girls.Heidi checking out the roosters.And this place is world famous for it's zedonk (zebra/donkey offspring).Beautiful girl.The week of July 4, Emma did not have school so we took advantage of our annual Zoo Atlanta pass and took our friends to the zoo again.

The line up of girly girls checking out the flamingos.Emma and the giraffes.Rachel and the giraffes.Emma in the petting zoo.Heidi in the petting zoo - yes, actually petting the animals - although if you notice her position, she looks ready to bolt if he moves.And we all rode the carousel this time.This was Rachel's first carousel ride. She looked a little afraid while it was moving, but she did not want to get off once the ride was over.And we ended the day with treats - cotton candy and icee's.One other major part of our Summer was swim lessons at the Y for Emma & Heidi. They each did 8 weeks of swim lessons (various days). I felt like we were living at the Y. But they both did really well and learned a lot. The Y near us has an indoor pool, so with as much as all 3 of them like to swim, I'm thinking we'll be visiting it year round.

Finally here are just some cute pictures to share (yes, mostly of Rachel)...Duck towel after bath time.Reading one of her favorite books, "Goodnight Gorilla!" (Thanks Great Aunt Shirley!!!)Rachel's first pig tails.The girls in downtown Dahlonega (it was a weekend at Grammy & Papa's).Future musician???

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