Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dahlonega Christmas Parade

Last Saturday was a VERY busy day. It started with Jason going to his BSF leaders meeting from 7-9. The girls and I all headed down to church for their Advent Musical dress rehearsal (see next post) from 9:30-11:30. During the dress rehearsal, Jason and I talked on the phone several times and decided to go look at a pop up camper we had seen on Craigslist. (We've been thinking about getting one for a little while and this one seemed like a good option.) So after the dress rehearsal, the girls and I drove to meet Jason in Northeast Georgia to look at the camper. I ended up leaving Rachel with Jason (and the van, since that is the car with the hitch and her car seat - and all 3 car seats won't fit in the CrV), and Emma, Heidi and I headed to Dahlonega to meet my parents for the Christmas Parade. (Jason spent several more hours learning the ins and outs of the camper and yes - we did buy it. So, stay tuned for future posts about camping.)

The girls LOVED the parade - especially Emma. Here they are waiting for it to start.It was a great, small town parade. Heidi's favorite thing to see was the majorettes that marched with the high school band. Emma's favorite was "the Grinch-mobile."She got so excited as each float or group of animals or whatever came down the street. This is her literally jumping with excitement (I'm not sure at what).And she kept inching further in to the street as she got excited. We had to remind her to stay back multiple times. :-) There were local organizations with floats, some horses, a unicyclist, classic cars, and a husky sled team (minus the snow).Several of the floats had people tossing candy out which was fun to collect. And the parade ended with Santa. It was a really cute and fun parade - the perfect length to keep their interest. After the parade we walked around the downtown square and visited the live nativity. They had quite a few sheep, goats, and a couple donkeys.Afterward, we had a nice dinner at Grammy & Papa's house then drove home. It was a long day, but lots of fun creating memories.

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