Friday, August 24, 2012

Two Weeks In

We just finished up the second week of school.  Everyone is tired, exhausted and flat worn out. :-)

Heidi continues to enjoy Kindergarten. She seems to really enjoy the Specials - that's often the first thing she tells me when she gets off the bus - what Special they went to that day. She is slowly making some new friends - including one on the bus who is also in her class. She is also enjoying occasionally seeing a couple of her preschool friends that are in different classes.

Heidi has continued to mention how tired she is each day.  In fact, the morning of the 2nd day of school, she told me maybe she should go to bed at 7PM instead of 8PM 'cause she was still tired.  There have been other conversations since where she has suggested 6PM! :-) We are aiming for between 7 and 7:30.  She has also said that she wished Kindergarten wasn't so long because she's not getting to play with Rachel very much. ;-)

Emma seems to be doing well with her class. Every day when she gets off the bus she asks me how my day was with Rachel. I don't get too much feedback from her, but I do know she has a handful of friends in her class from last year, so that's always nice.

I think Rachel thinks she has arrived. She absolutely loves going to school. "I'm big now so I can go to my big school," is what she says. It didn't take her long to start calling it "my school" rather than "Heidi's school." She has fun with the craft projects, music, creative movement, playground, circle, and everything else. I'm so glad she likes it.

A couple Rachel updates... We started really working on potty training in July. I think it is fair to say that she is pretty much potty trained. She still has an accident about every other day, but we're getting there. She is excited to pick out her underwear every day and I'm excited to FINALLY be done with diapers (not including Pull-Ups)!

Additionally, she has started sleeping in the top bunk. She seems to like it and has adjusted easily to it. I'm still a little worried about her falling out, but so far so good.

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