Friday, June 15, 2012

Emma's May

Emma's May was busy too wrapping up the school year.  Her class took a field trip to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens and I was able to go with them.  It's a neat place if you get the chance to go sometime. In one part they were told about how bees make honey and the little dance they do. So the kids were supposed to pretend they were bees and walk around these stepping stones doing the "bee dance."
There was also a cute Peter Rabbit area where they got to hide in the tool shed or in the watering can.

But when Mr. McGregor came they had to run to their home in the tree. The whole class fit in the tree!

There was a "tree house" with a slide for only the kids - no adults allowed.

They learned about the butterfly life-cycle.

Walking with a friend - Lawson and Emma have been in class together every year.

Towards the end of the year, Emma's class invited the parents and families to a "Poetry Cafe." The kids had been learning about poetry and writing their own.  They decorated the classroom like a cafe and each child read one of their own pieces of poetry.  They all did a great job and had some cute hats to complete the look.

Emma did such a wonderful job.  We were so proud of her.

After the kids were done reciting their poetry, the teachers played a video they had put together.  As a Mother's Day gift to all of us, each child had drawn a picture of their mom.  Then the teachers had recorded each student talking about their mom - it was PRICELESS! A special, special gift.

Emma has continued her therapeutic horseback riding - and will continue through the Summer too.  She is continuing to progress and enjoys being on the horse. She has recently changed ponies to one named Austin.  He is a beautiful paint horse.
I will try to post a video of her riding. I'm not having much luck with uploading videos, but we'll see.

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