Saturday, December 18 we gathered at my parent's house to celebrate Christmas with my family. One of the attractions was Grammy & Papa's new ping pong table. Everyone tried playing a little...
Rachel & Mommy playing Papa.Rachel trying out a paddle for herself.I believe this was 3 on 1 - Heidi, Jason & Rachel against Brooks.Cousins (minus Rachel - she was napping)Opening presentsThe best presents are the ones you can climb on!Or maybe the best is a stroller for my baby doll."Grammy, you are not getting this out quick enough! Let me help."
Stockings!Candy!Emma checking out her Curious George kaleidoscope.Emma and the reindeer. Each of the kids got a reindeer in their stocking and Emma had a GREAT time role playing with several of them - it was fun to watch!"Thank you Great Gram!"*********************************
Sunday, December 19 was the Lessons & Carols service at church. It was a wonderful service of worship. These pictures are from that day.Santa girls back at home.*******************************
Thursday, December 23 we had a college friend over for dinner and then she joined us to go see the Lights of Life. Before you see too many lights, you have the opportunity to park and walk around an area where they have pony rides, a kiddie train, a petting zoo, and of course pictures with Santa. Emma and Heidi decided the only thing they wanted to do was the petting zoo - so we did. Emma LOVED it. They gave us a few handfuls of animal feed when we went in. Emma enjoyed having the animals eat out of her hand.Rachel was ok with the smaller animals (rabbits, ducks, chickens, pig), but got very nervous when larger animals came up to her (goats, sheep). She was willing to pet this little goat.
And Miss Ruth Ann kept Heidi off the ground so none of the animals would "get her." ;-)
After the petting zoo, we got back in the car to thaw out/warm up and enjoy the rest of the lights. They really do a great job and have lots of fun and beautiful displays. It was particularly neat when we rounded a corner and Heidi saw the next display, she exclaimed, "look, it's a manger scene!" She asked to stop so we could really look at it. We were able to pull out of the line of traffic and fully take in the manger scene. It was a fun evening!
Friday, December 24 we attended the "family friendly" Christmas Eve service at 5PM. It truly was amazing the number of kids that came forward for the message. And even more amazing that with so many small children, we still light candles and it all turns out ok. :-) We tried to get a family photo, but it didn't turn out. But here are a couple other pics.**************************************
Saturday, December 25 - Christmas Day!!!
We started off the morning with Krispy Kreme doughnuts!!Then it was on to see what Santa brought.Rachel enjoyed her ride-on car and new baby dolls.The look of determination. Her feet just barely touch the floor - makes it a little difficult.Heidi & Rachel enjoying the cash register Santa brought for Heidi.Emma reading one of the several books she received. I believe this is one her school teacher gave her!
It has been a wonderful time! We are so thankful for all the many blessings we have received. Most of all we are thankful for the gift of Jesus - who came in to this world as a baby on Christmas - lived a perfect life, and chose to die on the cross to save us from our sins and give us eternal life with God.
Merry CHRISTmas!!